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Turn Panic into Peace: A New Edition of In Her Own Sweet Time: Egg Freezing and the New Frontiers of

Turn Panic into Peace: A new edition with updated medical, technological, and social science research

In the six years that have passed since I published the first edition of my memoir about the new choices that women face as they are having children older and are trying to balance career, love and family, a lot has changed. The Centers For Disease Control released data on January 14th, 2016, showing that the percentage of women having their first child between ages 30 and 34 rose to 21 percent in 2014, up from 16.5 percent in 2000; 9.1 percent of women having their first child in 2014 were 35 or older, up from 7.4 percent in 2000. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that one in eight couples today has trouble getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy.

In 2009, as one of the pioneers of egg freezing, I spoke out to major media about companies needing to pay attention to the changes in women’s lives and better support them by covering egg freezing on their health plans. Today, delaying marriage and childbirth to invest in your career has become the norm as women edge out men as the new majority in the workplace. And now egg freezing is no longer considered “experimental” by American Society of Reproductive Medicine, and the procedure is covered on many health insurances plans, including those at major corporations such as Google, Facebook, and Apple.

We still have a long way to go, and need standard Advanced Reproductive fertility treatments to be standard healthcare coverage. Advanced Reproductive Fertility treatments should not be a luxury. This is a public health issue, and not just a women’s health issue, but a family health issue.

“Egg freezing is no longer considered “experimental” by American Society of Reproductive Medicine, and the procedure is covered on many health insurances plans, including those at major corporations such as Google, Facebook, and Apple.”

In this 2nd edition I’ve completely updated the story of my own efforts to reconcile modern love with modern life with the latest medical, technological, and social science research. Told through the voices of multiple women facing the challenge of balancing their careers, family aspirations, and that brief, beautiful window wherein their bodies are ready for babies, while also incorporating my personal experience trying to work, date, and see the world, I tell the story of how I came to get my eggs frozen.

This new edition also includes new chapters that tell the exciting story of what happened after that decision. I hope it will resonate with new readers and fans of the first edition who want to know the rest of the story. I think a huge generation of young women who want it all—a career, a family, the perfect partner— but haven’t figured out yet how to fit it all together will relate and it will help you to turn panic into peace..

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